Our Vision
Empowering a sustainable future, Birlasoft aspires to be an ESG leader in the IT services industry. Our commitment to integrating sustainability and responsible business practices drives us to foster an environmentally conscious, socially equitable, and well-governed economy.
Shaping Tomorrow Our ESG Journey
Our Commitment to Sustainability
At Birlasoft we believe in evolving to become a better ecosystem of talent, technology and values. People, Planet and Efficiency form the basic foundation of our mission to cater to provide solutions across the world that in turn affects the global livelihood. We have endorsed and imbibed people centricity in the transformed cultural tenet thereby ensuring that our organisation is amongst the leaders to project, promote and propagate Sustainability through the 3 crucial factors of Environment, Society and Governance.
Focus Areas
An ESG strategy offers a blueprint for value creation and connects the business strategy to material ESG issues. It identifies and drives focus on material ESG issues most relevant to Birlasoft’s business model and stakeholders, allowing them to develop strategic priorities.
  • Climate Action and Energy Management
  • Decarbonization
  • Customer Engagement and Satisfaction
  • Talent Attraction and Retention
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Employee Health and Safety
  • Career Development
  • Data Privacy and Cyber Security
  • Business Ethics, Governance and Transparency
ESG - Environmental
Carbon Neutrality: Implement energy-efficient technologies and reduce emissions, striving for carbon neutrality across Birlasoft's operations, towards the global “zero carbon” SDG.
Renewable Energy Adoption: Improve power adoption of company operations with renewable energy sources, leading the way in the green IT industry.
Waste Reduction: Reduce waste production through recycling and sustainable practices, setting new standards for eco-conscious operations.
ESG - Social
Employee Well-being: Foster an agile work culture, promoting work-life balance and diversity at all levels, ensuring the well-being of every employee.
Women and Children Development: Respond swiftly to socio-economic needs, empowering women through education and skill development, and enabling children's scholastic growth.
Community Engagement: Engage dynamically with social initiatives, supporting education and collaborating with local communities for positive impacts, reflecting agile community engagement practices.
Special Needs Inclusion: Implement adaptive programs and accommodations, ensuring effective integration of employees with special needs into the workforce, exemplifying agile inclusion efforts.
Ethical Governance: Foster an agile approach to governance, promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity, aligning seamlessly with regulatory standards and industry best practices.
Board Diversity: Embrace diverse expertise, appointing directors from various backgrounds, ensuring a dynamic mix of perspectives in decision-making at the board level.
Stakeholder Engagement: Engage stakeholders proactively, incorporating feedback into decision-making processes, ensuring a balanced and agile corporate governance approach.
ESG - Governance
Improve our carbon neutrality by pioneering energy-efficient technologies and emission reduction efforts.
Set goals to ensure doing more of company operations with renewable energy sources, participating at the green transformation in the IT industry.
Pursue waste reduction targets, aiming to reduce waste production through innovative recycling and sustainable practices.
ESG Framework
Commitment and Goals
E/S/G Objective Goal Impact & Achievement
enviroment Water, Waste and Hazardous Materials Management Birlasoft and all its stakeholders are committed to conserve, effectively manage, recycle, and optimize the water consumption practices
  • Installed new STP plant for recycle of waste water.
  • 120000 litres of the waste water recycled through Sewage treatment plant and used for gardening purpose.
Birlasoft is committed to 'ban on single use plastics' in the company. The single use plastics are to be replaced with the eco-friendly materials, leading to resource optimization which in turn would ensure zero use of plastics.
  • Printer Cartridges returned back to OEM for recycling.
  • Bio-degradable waste like food waste, garden waste is recycled through smart composter plant.
Birlasoft is committed to 'Zero Waste to Landfill' target for its owned premises; it is also adopting the concept of circularity to minimize wastage, recycle, and reuse products, to whatever extent possible.
  • Waste segregation at source as E Waste, Bio-degradable waste, Non biodegradable waste
  • E-waste sent for recycling through authorized certified agency.
enviroment De Carbonization Birlasoft pledges to reduce its carbon emissions through its business operations, by adopting energy efficient solutions and moving towards renewable energy.
  • Old Monolithic UPS replaced with high efficiency modular UPS at multiple Locations thereby reducing the UPS power consumption by around 10% per annum.
  • Ac temperature controlled from BMS thereby leading to energy savings.
Birlasoft is promoting the adoption of EV vehicles in its fleet and setting up EV charging stations within premises to encourage employees to commute in cleaner and greener mobility solutions. Operating electric vehicles will help us to achieve sustainability through reduction in our carbon footprint. To be specific,10000 electric KMs per month = 24 MT of CO2 emissions abated per year, which is equal to growing 360 trees per year.
enviroment Climate Action and Energy Management Birlasoft is committed to continuously enhance its renewable energy (RE) share in the total energy mix through PPA model or obtaining power from solar park on the outskirts of our operational areas.
  • Solar Power generation plant installed on rooftops to generate renewable energy.
  • Solar Water Heaters installed for hot water usage in Kitchen.
By 2024, in the 120 adopted villages of Punjab and Haryana, we would reduce “Crop Residue Burning” by 90%.
  • Stubble burning checked in 90% farm area and 5% - 7% increase in yield.
  • Net water savings estimated to be almost 2.6 billion liters.
  • The adoption of sustainable practice improved to almost 95% after the intervention as compared to 9% in 2019.
  • 22,560 tons of rice straw were avoided from being burnt.
  • Avoided Air Quality Impacts: 117 t PM2.5; 143 t VOCs; 83 t NH3; 39 t NOx and 5.8 t.
social Employee Health and Safety
Birlasoft is committed to holistic well-being of its employees by focusing on physical, social, mental, emotional, and financial health schemes, initiatives, and comprehensive programs.
  • Ikshana - supported multiple families since inception.
  • We have periodic sessions and initiatives on Employee wellbeing.
social Career Development and Employee Engagement
Birlasoft believes in cultivating continuous learning curve in-tune with the changing business environment. From an employee engagement perspective, Birlasoft is internally driving an average of 40 learning hours per employee for FY 23-24.
  • Birlaosft has partnered with Coursera to broaden the development sphere for it's employees- now employees can choose the courses as per their career path, from Coursera, for free.
  • B-Empowered - Is a platform that keeps on grooming, mentoring women to grow into strategic leaders.
social Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Birlasoft is committed to increase gender diversity from 24 % to 28 % in FY 2023-24 and 35% by 2025.
  • Campus hiring of women to constitute 90% of the total team of hires.
  • Birlasoft won Growth diversity award by Synchrony for enhancing gender diversity by 5% across the year 2022-2023.
100 % employees to be sensitized & trained on overcoming unconscious bias in the workplace by FY 2025. Have a DEI charter with focus on affirmative hiring, Sensitization and development . To ensure the culture of diversity, Equality and inclusion we have various sensitization platforms for propagating our focus on DEI and unconscious bias training with a target to cover all employees by FY 2025.
social Talent Attraction and Retention
Nurture long-term and Hi POs employees, including gender diversity to get them ready for elevated roles or senior management roles.
Young Titans is a escalated development platform for promising, high willed young talents in the organization, to put them into a fast track career development.
governance Regulatory Compliances
Birlasoft ‘s goal is to drive responsible and sustainable procurement practices, ensure 100% compliance by getting acceptance from supplier on Birlasoft Supplier Code of Conduct.
Birlasoft has created a stable onboarding framework to facilitate and ensure compliance enabled Supplier onboarding. We at Birlasoft. instill special process workflows to manage any exceptions / risks in the onboarding process- by including the diversified sustainable supplier onboarding risk management schema, into the organization ERM framework.
governance Customer Engagement and Satisfaction
VOC- Periodic reviews of customer experience through Voice of Customer surveys with a target of VOC >=4 on a scale of 5; Birlasoft aims to ensure quality of products and services towards positive customer experience.
Committed to focus on value additions through our products and services. VINCI as a platform to ensure transparency towards our customers and getting acknowledged for the continuous value additions.
  • VOC rating obtained on an average…. 95% out of 2000 rating surveys got more than 4.5.
  • VINCI recorded 400 value adds of which 78% were customer approved/ acknowledged.
Our Initiatives


A Community Initiative that aims to curb pollution that arises from crop stubble burning
  • Community Initiatives at Birlasoft

Electric Vehicles in our fleet

Agreement with Lithium for provision of Electric Vehicles(EV) vehicles instead of Diesel vehicles in transport fleet to ensure reduction in carbon emissions and thereby reduction environmental pollution.

Ikshana- We Care Deeply

embodies our commitment to employees' well-being, fostering a compassionate community. Founded on 'by employees, for employees' ethos, it supports families in times of loss, symbolizing our dedication to our Birlasoft family.

Environment Friendly Infrastructure

We ensure environmental sustainability through our 'green' infrastructures (with the architecture of offices ensure enough natural light) with effective waste management & water management.

e-vidya - Women Holistic Development

Discover our E-Vidya program, empowering education.
Sustainability Continues...
Modernizing field inventory management systems across various divisions
Leadership Sponsor for the Hunger Project
Honored to be a part of The Hunger Project's 2023 Annual Fall Event as a Leadership Sponsor
We stand shoulder to shoulder with communities globally dedicated to ending hunger at a time when hunger is on the rise. Together, we envision a future free from the burden of hunger, where every individual has access to nourishing food and the opportunity for a better life.
Let's work hand in hand to reverse the alarming trend and make a difference.
SDGs impacted here
The Hunger Project X Birlasoft | Building a World Without Hunger
Modernizing field inventory management systems across various divisions
SDGs impacted here
A Leadership Development And Mentoring Initiative That Empowers Women To Recognize Strengths, Differentiate Constraints, Develop Assertiveness, Shed Biases, Select Careers, Be An Effective Communicator And Establish One’s Unique Brand.
Risk mitigation plan to safeguard Stryker's legacy ERP systems
Energy management
  • 120000 litres of the fresh water recycled through Sewage treatment plant and used for gardening purpose.
  • All lights replaced with LED Lights
  • Changing over to LED lamp projectors
  • Solar Power generation plant installed on rooftops to generate renewable energy
  • Old Monolithic UPS replaced with high efficiency modular UPS at Pune, Mahape and Hyderabad Locations thereby reducing the UPS power consumption by around 10% per annum.
  • Solar Water Heaters installed for hot water usage in Kitchen and Gymnasium.
  • Ac temperature controlled from BMS thereby leading to energy savings.
SDGs impacted here
Stryker successfully deploys a modern data analytics platform powered by Microsoft Azure in North America
Disha – Youth Holistic Development
Facilitate Learning By Extending Institutional And Infrastructural Support To Enable Children From Marginalized Communities To Grow And Develop To Their Full Potential.
Project Management Services
Waste Management + Water Treatment
  • Waste segregation at source as E Waste, Bio-degradable waste, Non biodegradable waste
  • Printer Cartridges returned back to OEM for recycling.
  • Bio-degradable waste like food waste, garden waste is recycled through smart composter plant.
  • E-waste sent for recycling through authorized certified agency
SDGs impacted here
Project Management Services
Preventive Healthcare Program for Women
Birlasoft has partnered with the William J. Clinton Foundation (WJCF) to improve access to screening and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions in the state of Rajasthan. Engaging with the state government and public health facilities, Birlasoft aims to strengthen access to care and prevention. So far more than 2000 women have benefited by this program.
SDGs impacted here
Extended Feature Education
Extended Feature Education
SkillFolio – A framework created for managing enterprise skill profiles of employees for improved centralized skill management and personal development. This works on intensifying our capability-building programs to provide development opportunities to our existing employees to help them scale up on the desired skills/ competencies, empowering them to become ‘future ready’.
SDGs impacted here
Extended Feature Education
Guided Learning on Coursera
A wonderful way to do so is to acquire new learning and skills with ‘Guided Project learning‘ on Coursera, which provides hands on Applied Learning. Employees earn a certificate and develop skills on using tools in real-world scenario. The self-paced Guided Projects, includes step by step guidance from instructors and a cloud workspace for practice.
SDGs impacted here
Extended Feature Education
ERM framework
Risks are inherent in the Company’s business activities and can relate to strategic objectives, business performance, compliance with laws and regulations, technological changes and those critical to environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities. In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations across the globe face a wide range of risks that can impact their operations and bottom line.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a holistic, integrated, structured, and disciplined approach of leveraging the organization’s capability of identifying, assessing, measuring, monitoring and responding to risks across the enterprise aligned with its strategic objectives and risk appetite.
Birlasoft is committed towards protecting and maximizing value towards stakeholders and constantly endeavors to take effective and risk-informed business decisions. The ERM framework at Birlasoft has evolved over the years from being a conventional compliance driven risk management process focused on effectiveness of internal controls to being a strategy and value driven risk management approach, aimed at protecting and maximizing value towards stakeholders and constantly endeavoring to take effective and risk-informed business decisions.
The ERM 2.0 framework at Birlasoft has been designed and developed in alignment with the regulatory requirements and leading Enterprise Risk Management standards and guidelines – ISO31000:2018 and Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) and is further aligned to the Regulatory guidance on sustainability; ensuring Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) risks.
ERM 2.0 ensures close integration with the various Business Units and the Enabling Functions to provide a holistic approach on risk management. We follow a top-down approach for key risks wherein they flow from the Enterprise Risk Register to the Function level Risk register with defined ownership and timelines. The risk exposure of the Company shall be measured by assessing enterprise risks using the Risk Assessment Scales defined as per the Risk Appetites adopted by the Board. A key feature of risk assessment introduced in ERM 2.0 is grading the velocity of the risk, which would reflect the speed of onset of the risk event, or the time taken for the risk event to manifest. Our established governance mechanism provides oversight to the Leadership on the Risk Landscape allowing for informed strategy setting, balancing risk, and opportunities with compliance requirements.
Bcares is Birlasoft’s holistic Employee Welfare Program, which has a vision to “Inspire, create and maintain workplace and environment that supports holistic wellbeing”. It’s wellness charter includes Physical, Mental, Social, Financial and workplace wellness.
VINCI - Value IN Customer's Interest
VINCI (Value IN Customer's Interest) is an innovative online platform, crafted in-house, with the sole purpose of capturing all the value-adds that contribute to customers business excellence through enriched business user experience.
DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
At Birlasoft, Diversity starts with Inclusion. It's not just about empowerment of one gender, it's about 'Coexistence' of all of us and all of our abilities where we all 'Collaborate' while being 'Considerate'
Our ESG Offering
Our ESG Offering
Tackle ESG risks and unlock opportunities with our cloud-native data foundation solution.
ESG issues have become the main agenda in every company's board room. However, these issues have significant room for improvement, and the solutions should be delivered right about now.
Awards & Recognitions
Birlasoft has been recognized as an official participant in the CO2 Impact Program 2022-23 for its positive contributions to the environment
Birlasoft has been recognized as an official participant in the CO2 Impact Program 2022-23 for its positive contributions to the environment
Birlasoft secures the Great Place to Work certificate three times in a row!
Birlasoft secures the Great Place to Work certificate three times in a row!
Birlasoft Awarded in Transport Management Category at the iNFHRA 8th Edition Workplace Excellence Conference & Awards 2023-24
Birlasoft Awarded in Transport Management Category at the iNFHRA 8th Edition Workplace Excellence Conference & Awards 2023-24
Birlasoft Shines bright at AccelHerate and DivHersity Awards
Birlasoft Shines bright at AccelHerate and DivHersity Awards
Top 20 -DivHERsity Champions (Large Enterprises) & Women Leadership Development
Top 20 -DivHERsity Champions (Large Enterprises) & Women Leadership Development
Birlasoft Won Silver for Excellence in Biophilic Design & Nature Integration (Corporate Category ) at iNFHRA Conference & Awards 2024-25, Pune Edition
Birlasoft Won Silver for Excellence in Biophilic Design & Nature Integration (Corporate Category ) at iNFHRA Conference & Awards 2024-25, Pune Edition
Birlasoft Won Gold for Excellence in Healthiest Workplace at iNFHRA Conference & Awards 2024-25, Pune Edition
Birlasoft Won Gold for Excellence in Healthiest Workplace at iNFHRA Conference & Awards 2024-25, Pune Edition
Birlasoft's Green Building Practices Earn Bronze at BW Business World FM Conference & Excellence Awards 2024!
Birlasoft's Green Building Practices Earn Bronze at BW Business World FM Conference & Excellence Awards 2024!
Policies and Certificates
We are committed to be guided by the UN SDGs to work towards the aspects of environment, human rights, labor, child education and women development, innovation, customer centric value additions, ethical business framework and employee centricity. Our policies, thus, are encompassing these tenets.
Our policies help nurture the culture of a sustainable inclusive partner framework with our governance strategies to manage stakeholders- be it customers, vendors, 3rd party service providers, employees, peers in business.
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